Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Children: What the trees see

On Mother's Day I usually give my children a gift-- for making me a mother! Now, between us two, we have a couple of fathers to honor who made us parents. Trying to find a good gift for a new father is not too difficult, given the photo ops these big boys send of their babies through the magic of email. Mugs are a winner. My son has three by now and my step son will be getting his mug soon with a picture of him and his young son on it. We figure it doesn't have to be for drinking. Could just be for pens and such, or maybe just on a shelf. But I know my son uses his because he mentions it now and again.

It will be so amazing for these sons to find themselves watching their own children move into the age of fatherhood. I wonder what the world will be like for them then? Unless living to 100 is usual by then, I only get to watch from the next life (hope that's the way it works) but I have to wonder-- will any of them see the old familiar spots, or will they be flung far away from the roots I know? Maybe they will be in Africa or Alaska-- or in Vladivostok! Or maybe they will be able to zip around to the old familiar places easily enough so they can look at the trees I look at now.

We have trees here that "saw" at least three generations grow up, and now we are borrowing them for the time we are here. Some will come down this year, but many of them will put on a ring and keep on growing.

I feel as if there is a spirit inside of such old living things. In fact I have carved some chunks of wood to release some spirit that my imagination "sees." Who knows what that tree "saw." Just because someone we know didn't catch the tree looking-- that doesn't mean it wasn't looking.

It's the quantum thing again. We have a lot to learn about things like this. Maybe our children's children will be there for the "aha" about trees!

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