Thursday, October 4, 2007

What If?

What if you were a two and a half year old little boy whose Daddy took him to the baseball game.

What if you were the kind of little guy who loved baseball before he could say it properly?

What if you got to watch the Seattle Mariners win at the stadium with all the people yelling--you with your big baseball glove at the ready in case a ball came popping from the field into your hand?

And then, what if you waited for the elevator at the ball park and when the door slid open you found that the elevator was full of MASCOTS! I mean life size ones like the Mariner Moose?

Well, it happened to my little grandson! And now, my son tells me, he expects all elevators to have a load of mascots on it. I can just see him waiting with great expectations whenever he stands in front of an elevator, wondering what in the world will be behind the sliding doors.

How wonderful to have such memories. Not only for my grandson, but for his dad who will never ever forget the time he took his son to his first ball game. And for this grandmom whose heart is warmed to the cockles.

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