Saturday, August 4, 2007

The Happy Plans

One of my favorite couples is getting married next month. They have been together for seven years -- no hustle or bustle -- just traveling and living their lives with pleasant looks on their faces and a lot of joy. If there is a picture of a relaxed attitude about life, these two seem to be it. They came to visit me shortly after they met, during Brett's computer conference in Seattle. Jessie joined him there for a few days, and I did a little hike with them -- just enough to get a feel for their comfortable way with each other.

What fun to read of their wedding weekend plans. They have reserved for the weekend a whole Quaker meeting house and camping ground for everyone. The guests are invited to pitch tents or reserve cabins for all or part of the weekend. Everyone's invited to participate in the preparations for a pig roast and for the reunion around campfires and such. The ceremony will be a dress-up affair, but after the reception is over everyone can get back into play clothes and dance the hours away.

I got my notification on a charming post card with their faces peeking as through a kitchen pass-through window over what looks like kale salad and rice pilaf. They look joyful and mischievous and as if they want my company. What a breath of fresh air!

How happy I hope their life together will be! They seem to be on top of their moment in the scheme of things-- scientists in a time of discovery, and naturalists in a fascinating world. They make us all better with their partnership.

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