Friday, June 29, 2007

The Admirable Young Person

Someone has wisely said that you won't know how your kids "turned out" until they get to be thirty.

I have a grandson who is nearly thirty who is making both his mother and me feel warm and good inside our souls. Not only has he suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune during his growing-up years, but he has come through that winnowing process with kindness, a beautiful mind, and a lot of grace. He's really a nice person.

The kid solves problems for businesses for a living! He is one of those tech guys who make sense out of impossible computer crashes and messed up business files. He gets good money to do this! He starts up entrepreneurial projects that interest him and then gets others to administer them. People send him money to do this! He didn't get these skills from the U-Dub. He just "does" it.

A lover of fine clothing, he taught himself how to tailor a pair of dress slacks to fit perfectly. It's a kind of puzzle to solve, and he does it exquisitely. His fine linen shirt is probably a find from a local Thrift Shop. He tells you this with a smile of amusement on his face. It's a sort of game with him-- getting what you like within given parameters.

His apartment has a view that rivals Bill Gates'! I happen to know this because Bill Gates' place looks west over Lake Washington toward Seattle. My grandson's apartment looks southeast over Lake Washington at Mt. Rainier! I say, GOOD FOR HIM!

And he won't be thirty for a couple more years! I'm not biting my nails about this one.

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